Antes de voltar para Portugal (Natal) o nosso amiguinho David fez um morcego bastante interessante a partir de um ananás. Interessante, né? Durante a época natalícia, as ruas da cidade estavam bastante bem decoradas e com um mercado de Natal na rua principal, onde se podia comprar alguns presentinhos de Natal e se podia comer e beber muitas coisinhas boas da época: Gløgg (vinho quente com frutos secos, maravilha), maças recheadas com chocolate e outros artefactos, corações com chocolate e mel, crepes, sopa, etc. Muito bom para ir num sábado ou domingo à tarde, já que é aqui mesmo ao lado.

Here I am again updating this amazing space. By this time, many ERASMUS students are leaving Horsens, excepting those who are staying here for the next semester (probably my situation). I am going to miss them... *snif* Armin and Friedl are going back to Germany (they finished their course), Matthieu is moving to another residence, which means I will share the room with new mates if I stay... Weird... All this week was sunny, not normal around here and there was snow for about 4 days :) It's an interestingly cold also. I put a

Before coming back to Portugal for Xmas our little friend David made a bat from a pineapple. Interesting, heh? During the Xmas season, the streets were nicely decorated and there was a Xmas market at the main street, where you could buy gifts and eat/drink many nice thingies from the season: Gløgg (warm wine with some dry fruits, incredibly awesome), apples with chocolate and other artefacts, hearts with honey and chocolate, pancakes, soup, etc.. Very nice to go in a weekend, since it's right next door.
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