De volta a "casa", onde fomos carinhosamente recebidos pelos nossos amigos Armin, David e Camille! O primeiro grande evento de 2007 deu-se após a chegada do Friedl, que trouxe consigo as belas salsichas brancas, directamente da Baviera, para mais um óptimo jantar com a gente do costume. Eu, Karolina, Friedl, Armin, David, Camille, Meri, Luca, Liuke, Matthieu e Julie foram os intervenientes. Salsichas brancas, com a maionese especial doce e típica, acompanhados com pão salgado em forma de argola. Para beber: Franziskaner Weissbier e vinho do Porto (obrigado Zé!). Tudo na benesse como de costume!

Back "home", where we were gently welcomed by our friends Armin, David and Camille! The first big event of 2007 took place after Friedl's arrival, who brought with him the lovely white sausages straight from Bavaria, for another delicious dinner with the usual guys. Me, Karolina, Friedl, Armin, David, Camille, Meri, Luca, Liuke, Matthieu and Julie were the ones who made the party. White sausages, with the typical and sweet mayonnaise, served with salted bread with circular shape. To drink: Franziskaner Weissbier and Port Wine. Everything awesome as usual!

Back "home", where we were gently welcomed by our friends Armin, David and Camille! The first big event of 2007 took place after Friedl's arrival, who brought with him the lovely white sausages straight from Bavaria, for another delicious dinner with the usual guys. Me, Karolina, Friedl, Armin, David, Camille, Meri, Luca, Liuke, Matthieu and Julie were the ones who made the party. White sausages, with the typical and sweet mayonnaise, served with salted bread with circular shape. To drink: Franziskaner Weissbier and Port Wine. Everything awesome as usual!

1 comment:
não vejo a minha amiga espanhola,que se passa? :(
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