Ontem festejámos o Carnaval, com um jantar na faculdade e festa no P3. Muitas fatiotas originais, outras nem tanto (tipo eu... só mesmo para desenrascar... já lá vão os tempos em que me mascarava de Homem-Aranha!) e acima de tudo, a diversão do costume. Piratas, índias, o diabo, a batwoman, gatas, robôs, extra-terrestres, dinamarquesas boazonas, espanholas boazonas, rapazes com bigode, a equipa das cavernas, uma mulher grávida desdentada, enfermeiras (ui...!), meninos e meninas assustadores, o Super-Homem, um barril de cerveja da Carlsberg, surfistas (frio!), Asterix, Obelix, bebés, Marianne Falbe (provavelmente não conhecem), e mais, muitos, muitos mais!
Por agora é tudo. Espero que gostem das imagens e tenham um bom fim-de-semana!
Hi people! Another week, more work and, as a reward, the first salary! This week was marked by David's (that crazy bastard!) return, who was away in Hungary due to exams (or at least that's what he said!). Friedl got a job in Ireland after his ERASMUS adventure here in Denmark. Congratulations and good luck mate! I can't wait to hear you speaking with the Irish accent! :D I also received some very nice gifts from my sister, brother in law, nephew, niece and aunt Lita. Thank you very much! :D
Yesterday we celebrated Carnival, with a dinner at the school and party at the P3. Many nice and original costumes, other not that much (like me of course...! it has been a long time since I wore for the last time my mum's home made Spiderman outfit!), and the most important of it all, the usual fun! Some pirates, an indian very cute girl :), the devil, batwoman, kitties, robots, aliens, princes, hot Danish girls, hot Spanish girls, guys with moustache (noski eskimoski!), a cavemen team, a pregnant woman, nurses, scary people with scars, the superman, a Carlsberg beer barril, surfers (cold!), Asterix, Obelix, babies, Marianne Falbe (yes! she was there!), and many many more!
That's all for now! Enjoy the pictures and have a nice weekend!