Viagem a Skagen e Aalborg
Depois de mais de uma semana de verão escaldante na Dinamarca, lá teria de vir o belo tempo Dinamarquês. Um dia inteiro de chuva foi o que nos deram na viagem que eu, a Karolina, o Sebastien, a Marta e o Andrea realizámos até ao norte do país no último sábado. Nesta viagem fomos até ao ponto mais a norte da Dinamarca, Skagen, onde o Mar Báltico e o Mar do Norte se encontram.

Alugámos um Fiat Punto dos novos, todo catita (era o mais barato, tá?), e seguimos até Silkeborg, uma terrinha muito gira com muito verde, algumas montanhas (pequeninas, claro, a Dinamarca é plana) e o lago mais “não sei o quê” da Dinamarca (limpo, acho – realmente a água era completamente transparente) – mesmo ao estilinho campo de férias “Sexta-Feira

Depois de testemunharmos a união dos dois mares que banham o norte da Dinamarca em Skagen, seguimos até Aalborg, uma cidade que ao contrário da parvalheira de Horsens, tem uma rua única e exclusivamente recheada de pubs. Bebemos umas pints, vimos muita gente loira, alguma mulher crescida com os copos e trouxemos recordações do bar para casa.
No dia anterior bebemos bola de rugby de melancia com vodka, cortesia do nosso chef francês Sebastien. Nhami!

Trip to Skagen and Aalborg
After more than a week of hot summer in Denmark, the typical Danish weather came back to join us in the trip me, Karolinka, Seb, Martusiu and Andrea made to the north of the country last Saturday. A day full of rain was what we had when we finally went to Skagen (the franchute had been there already), the point where the Baltic and the North seas meet.

We rented a new Fiat Punto, very NiIice (it was the cheapest, of course), and we travelled to Silkeborg, a very nice little land with a lot of green, some mountains (small, of course, it's Denmark) and the "most whatever" lake of Denmark (the cleanest, I think - the water was really transparent) - "Friday the 13th" style, surrounded by a vast vegetation, with clean sand, a beach volley court and those platforms where you can walk over the lake and dive into it (perfect!). The weather was UK style, so there was not much we could do, like sunbathing, swimming or anything, besides being quite amazed by the view and taking a few photos under the always lovely (?) Danish rain.

After the testimonial of the union of the two seas in Skagen, we went to Aalborg, a city that has a nice street filled with pubs, unlike the amazing Horsens. We drunk a few pints, saw lots of blonde people, some drunk women and even brought home some souvenirs from the bar. Next trip, please!
The day before we had a watermelon rugby ball with vodka, courtesy of our franchute chef, Sebastien. Parfait!

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