Este post tem como objectivo contar-vos acerca do bufete italiano que se realizou dois dias depois do fantástico jantar de despedida da tela do Armin no nosso apartamento, ou seja, dia 17. Os nossos amigos italianos (que são muitos, "diz que" 16) tiveram a genial ideia de fazer um bufete italiano no recém inaugurado "Common room". Poizé, estes meninos tiveram a árdua e aventurosa tarefa de cozinhar para 70 e tal pessoas!!! Estava tudo óptimo e houve comida que chegue! Eu fiquei cheio e todos sabemos que não é propriamente fácil eu ficar cheio! (aqui o pessoal costuma dizer que eu

Parabéns a todos os italianos que organizaram o jantar e prepararam a comida, eu vi-os a trabalhar arduamente (a dar-lhe forte na massa e tal!).
Ciao raggazi!

This post aims to tell you about the italian buffet that took place two days after the fantastic Armin's splint-off/birthday dinner at our flat, or by other words, on the 17th. Our italian friends (who are many, 16 they say) had the brilliant idea of making an italian buffet in the recently inaugurated common room. These kids had the hard and adventurous task of cooking for more than 70 people!!! CRaaAaaaZzyyy!!! But they did it!!! Everything was delicious and there was enough food for everyone! I got full and we know it's not the easiest thing to do :) There was Italian pizza (the true one), pasta, "bellini" (italian tasty drink) and some other

Congratulations to all the Italian guys who cooked and made all the arrangements! Everything was great! I saw them working on the stuff and i know many of them worked hard for long hours! Salute!