O meu amigo e gémeo espanhol Marcos disse que eu devia actualizar este blog, então aqui vai. É o dia perfeito para o fazer. Não se preocupem, mais há-de vir.
365 dias depois...
25 de Agosto foi um dia que mudou a minha vida. Disse adeus à minha família no aeroporto de Lisboa e fui em direcção à maior aventura e maior desafio da minha vida. Deixei o familiar, a rotina, o previsível e segui rumo ao desconhecido, ao imprevisível, ao inimaginável. 25 de Agosto rapidamente se tornou o pior dia da minha vida. O meu portátil foi roubado no comboio e a minha mala danificou-se no avião. Depois de me sentir sozinho e desesperado num novo mundo completamente desconhecido, uma nova vida envolveu-me, uma nova vida que iria durar um ano e que iria mudar-me para sempre. Estava prestes a perceber que esse iria ser o melhor dia da minha vida. A 25 de Agosto conheci a Spanish Team, recebi a chave para o meu novo quarto, conheci uma rapariga - que viria a ser uma das minhas melhores amigas para o resto da vida - que me mostrou onde o meu quarto era, conheci algumas das pessoas que nunca esquecerei, tive a primeira de muitas festas que estariam para vir, a minha primeira noite totalmente por mim, apercebi-me que estava a viver um sonho e comecei a vivê-lo. A 25 de Agosto conheci pessoas que estavam a viver a mesma aventura que eu e que estavam na mesma página que eu, que me queriam tanto conhecer como eu os queria a eles, que estavam entusiasmados em saber quem eu era, de onde vinha e o que fazia da mesma maneira que eu queria saber isso e muito mais sobre eles. Desde esse dia que vivi coisas que nunca tinha vivido antes e que nunca viveria se não tivesse ido para ERASMUS. Aprendi como pessoas que são tão diferentes podem ser tão semelhantes, e como pessoas que estão tão longe podem tornar-se tão próximas e tão dependentes umas das outras. Aprendi como é que a vida deve ser vivida e o sabor de disfrutar cada momento espectacular um a um. Aprendi como as coisas difíceis se podem tornar fáceis. Aprendi que o mundo em que vivemos é um sítio minúsculo, e que para lá das nossas portas há uma imensidão à espera de ser descoberta. Vivi o que todos deveriam viver. Cresci. Mudei. Encontrei a verdadeira felicidade, encontrei amigos, encontrei amor, encontrei uma vida de que irei ter saudades para sempre. Os jantares, os almoços com o vizinhos, os pequeno-almoços, as idas ao supermercado, as tardes e noites no corredor, os matraquilhos, as viagens, as festas, os jogos de futebol, os dias na cantina, os dias na praia, os passeios de bicicleta, o mar, as caminhadas para a escola, os abraços, os beijos, os copos, as sessões de chá, os professores, as aulas, a neve, a Freshman Trip, os Dinamarqueses, os ERASMUS, a Weiss Beer, International Day, Graduation Day, os barbecues, o meu aniversário, todos os aniversários, Kamtjatka, K-block, Vitus Bering, Crazy Daisy, Koks, as noites em Aarhus, as meninas loiras, as meninas bonitas, o concerto dos Rolling Stones, o Kollegium, P3, a estação de comboio, a comida italiana, a comida espanhola, a comida polaca, a comida alemã, todas as diferentes culturas, e todas as outras coisas que não podem ser escritas. Nunca o esquecerei. Nunca os esquecerei. Foi 1 ano, mas foi 1 vida.
My Spanish twin Marcos said I should update this blog, so here it goes. This is the perfect day for it. Don't worry, there's more to come.
365 days later...
August 25th was a day that changed my life. I said goodbye to my family in Lisbon's airport to go towards the greatest adventure and the biggest challenge of my life. I left the familiar, the routines, the predictable, the stillness and I went towards the unknown, the unpredictable, the unimaginable. August 25th became soon the worst day of my life, with my laptop being stolen in the train and my suitcase getting broken in the plane. After feeling alone and desperate in a complete new unknown world, a breed of a new life embraced me, a new life that lasted for about one year and that would change me forever. I was about to realize it would be the best day of my life. On August 25th I met the Spanish Team, I got the key to my new room, I met this girl that would be one of my greatest friends for life who showed me where my room was, I met some of the people I will never forget, I had the first of many flat parties that were about to come, I had the first night living on my own, I realized I was living a dream and I started living it. On August 25th I met people from all over the world who were living the same adventure as me and who were on the same page I was, who wanted to meet me as much as I wanted to meet them, who were excited to know who I was and where I came from and what I did as much as I wanted to know the same things and much more about them. Since this day I experienced things I had never experienced before and things I would never have experienced in my whole life if I hadn't gone to ERASMUS. I learned how people who are so different can be so similar, and how people who are so far away can become so close and so dependent from each other. I learned how life should be lived and the taste of enjoying every spectacular moment once at a time. I learned how difficult things can become easy. I learned that the world we live in is a tiny place, and how much there is out there waiting to be discovered. I lived what everyone should live. I grew up. I changed. I found true happiness, I found friends, I found love, I found a life that I will miss forever. The dinners, the lunches with the neighbours, the breakfasts, going to the supermarket, the evenings at the corridor, the table soccer, the trips, the parties, the football matches, the days at the canteen, the days at the beach, the bike trips, the sea, the walks to school, the hugs, the kisses, the tea sessions, the beer sessions, the teachers, the classes, the snow, the Freshman trip, the Danish people, the international people, the Weiss beer, the International day, the Graduation day, the barbecues, my birthday, all the birthdays, Kamtjatka, K-block, Vitus Bering, Crazy Daisy, Koks, the nights in Aarhus, the blonde people, the pretty girls, the Rolling Stones concert, the Kollegium, the P3, the train station, the Italian food, the Spanish food, the Polish food, the German food, and all the other things that can't be written. I will never forget it. I will never forget them. It was 1 year, but it was a lifetime.

I can say that my life changed, like yours, just one year ago. It's so strange... even now i feel like i arrived in Horsens yesterday...
I'm sure i will never forget this Danish adventure and a lot of things like you! my first international friend, and one of the best!!
I still miss you my boy!!! See you soon :D
Wow Dani! You should become an author. Very impressive, very true and very similar to my feelings, even if it was only half a year for me...
But, what I can say now - since I'm in Ireland - is that it was something really special in Denmark. Here in Ireland I miss Germany and my life there, but in Denmark that happended almost never. I think the reason is that I had so many nice, insteresting people around me and all the reasons you named in your post.
Thanks for writing what the rest thinks...
Hugs, Friedl
I think that you have chosen the best words to describe feelings of many people. Horsens, such a small city, can change life so much.
It's already one year and seems to be like yesterday...
(feel free to always drop in for the tea ;o)
I miss those moments my friend.... Take care, kisses
Good mate! You're really good in writting!... I guess we all feel the same! It was really amazing time and I'll miss it always... I think we all grow up, and we learnt lot in DK, that's true. So lets keep on learning... (Next target: Po polsku) ;)
It was on the 25th! :P
^_^ **************
Acredito que essa experiência tenha sido enriquecedora! Também sonho um dia, partir à aventura, tal como fizeste.
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